My Awards - Add an outcome to an award

Submit an award to the funder (for Principal Investigators only)

When a submission period opens, special headers will be displayed on the ‘My Awards’ landing page.

Step 1:

Click on the ‘Begin submission process’ button.

You can also submit from the Award details page with steps to check you are ready to submit on your award.

Step 2:

  • Check if all relevant sections are completed, then tick the box to confirm that all outcomes for the award have been added.
  • Tick the box to confirm that you agree to the funder’s Terms and Conditions.
  • Click on the ‘Proceed to next award’ or ‘Submit to funder’.


You have the option to resubmit your outputs, if you need to add any further information provided it is before the end of the open submission period.

To do this, you follow the same process as when you initially submitted but the submission button will be green with the words ‘re-submit’. You can find this from the main awards page.

Re-submitting will overwrite any previous submission.

Null Submission

If you have no outputs to add to your award at this time, but your funder is still expecting a submission from you, you can continue to follow the above submission process without adding any outputs.